Tag: Android
First Impressions: Samsung Galaxy Nexus on Verizon (plus Moto Droid comparison)
This is what I love about the cloud, and Google especially. In goes a new sim card into a Nexus ($289 with two year contract) and minutes later: Voila! All contacts, email, calendar and apps synced.
Get a Samsung Galaxy Nexus on sale
Samsung Galaxy Nexus has landed today, but even better you can score it on Amazon for only $199. That's about a 33% discount from the $299 you'd pay at Verizon.
Samsung Galaxy Nexus: To launch or not to launch?
We are witnessing the largest upgrade cycle window in Android's young history. There are hundreds of thousands of us Android pioneers who signed up twenty-four months ago on Verizon. Droid Does. We capitulated.
Does Verizon grandfather unlimited data plans when upgrading 3G to 4G?
"you can keep your unlimited data even if you get a 4g phone" "nope, my wife just upgraded to a Samsung stratosphere and couldn't keep her unlimited plan." Clear as mud.
Ice Cream Sandwich on Google Nexus S (ps – where’s Galaxy Nexus?)
For those coming off 2-year old contracts, mostly from the original Motorola Droid (November 2009), it's another hilariously frustrating (yet entertaining) episode in the will the Nexus ever launch mini-series.
Android App Deal – get SwiftKey X Keyboard for only 10 cents
I've been on the beta program for this one for a while, and liked it so much, that I bought multiple copies. I routinely use SK X and SK Tablet X on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, Tab 7 (original) and on my trusty Moto Droid (soon to be replaced by Nexus... maybe).
AT&T LG Nitro HD – worth the switch from Verizon Galaxy Nexus?
I'm not sure I'd take Rezound, but I'd definitely take a Droid RAZR or Nexus over the Nitro. I'm actually somewhat surprised AT&T didn't snag something more differentiated to woo us Androids coming off 2-year contracts.
Galaxy Nexus – More photos, launch news (just ship it!)
Frustration levels mounting, many have told us that they've already jumped the gun and purchased either an HTC Rezound or Motorola Droid RAZR. Both respectable, and well reviewed devices. Neither, however, ship with Android 4.0, aka Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS).
Emulate Windows Phone 7 on Android, iPhone
WP7 is pleasant enough, but seeing anything referencing "Outlook" immediately induces nausea and psychedelic images of an insanely happy paperclip randomly appearing on a severely underpowered mid-90s Compaq laptop.
Verizon Galaxy Nexus: Latest reviews, release date mystery
But, this time, I say wait for the NEXUS II, coming February 30. Quad core processor. NFC 2.0. 5-inch 4K screen. Confirmed... well, wait a sec, let's wait to see what micdawg has to say about that.