Tag: Android

Nostalgia: Motorola Xoom - 15 minutes of fame at CES in January.

Google closes Honeycomb to developers – signals shift in strategy?

My suspicion relates to the underwhelming Motorola Xoom.
Google Android

Android leads with 29% smartphone OS market share according to new report

No matter how you slice it, Google has done a remarkable job with Android. In only three years they have entered the smartphone market, established a new brand and quickly positioned themselves as a major force alongside Apple and RIM.
Motorola Xoom on Verizon

Motorola Xoom (Verizon) now shipping – Will it impact the iPad 2?

iPad 2 is the pinnacle of design. Jobs calls it the "Intersection of Technology and Liberal Arts." Kool-aid? Probably. But for now I'm guessing it's the drink of choice.
Motorola Xoom

Motorola Xoom, Honeycomb impress – but where are the apps?

The Moto Xoom grabbed an astonishing amount of attention at CES earlier this year. So much so that you might've thought Justin Bieber was about to cameo on Glee. Yet, I'm underwhelmed by the lack of apps written specifically for Android tablets such as the Samsung Galaxy Tab.
Moto Xoom rocked CES in Vegas.

Xoom tablet for $799 – Is Moto crazy?

Perhaps the Xoom is a victim of over-engineering, and is trying to please too many over-seers.
Motorola Xoom: Loves the red carpet.

Android event at Google HQ in Mountain View

Honeycomb is generally regarded as critical to Google's tablet strategy.
Tablet Gmail

Android 3.0 YouTube preview posted by Google – includes Tablet optimized Gmail

The 1:33 video preview showcases web browsing, a "tablet-optimized" Gmail, more...
Samsung Galaxy Tab

Review: Samsung Galaxy Tab impresses, but no iPad killer

Think of the Galaxy Tab as a prologue, a very good teaser -- a trailer filled with fast cars, big explosions and pretty faces -- of what's to come.
News apps on Android Tablet
Windows Phone 7

Is Microsoft Windows Phone 7 DOA? Google Android thinks so

Until Microsoft steps up its sharing of sales data, it risks allowing the rumor mill that is the Internet, tech sites and blogs do the talking.