Tag: Google
Peloton fitness app now available on Apple TV, sub fee remains $12.99 per month
Stream classes onto the big screen.
‘Apple Glass’ AR-enabled glasses appear to be on the way, but need something that Google Glass missed
It's one thing to be hip and sell to early adopters, but entirely different to reach mainstream buyers.
Apple to host its developer conference virtually beginning June 22
The Show Must Go On: Unlike Google's completely cancelled I/O conference Apple's WWDC will happen in 2020.
Apple Watch Series 6: Sleeptracking, Pulse Oximeter, S6 Chip, Mental Health Abnormalities Detection
Faster and better. Who knew?
Trendspotting: Mirrorless camera market is tanking in Japan
Things were already tough for mirrorless cameras (and DSLRs as well). Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy and Google Pixel and other smartphones have built-in cameras that shoot 4K video, high quality photos, and are more than good enough for most people. So it was no surprise that camera sales...
Tech & Health: Peloton app now available on Android TV
Cult of Peloton. Now beaming to you from more places.
With flagship Galaxy S20 Ultra, Samsung is testing consumer tolerance for overpriced phones
COVID-19 smartphone special! Only $1,399!
Trendspotting: Apple extends wearables lead, adds 5% market share
Apple has been leading wearables ever since the launch of the Apple Watch almost five years ago in 2015.
Now in its 5th iteration, the smartwatch has helped bring an easy-to-use and useful experience to the masses -- something which earlier makers of fitness and smartwatch devices struggled to do.
Unlock your car with an iPhone or Apple Watch?
Tesla owners can already lock and unlock their cars using a smartphone such as the iPhone. But what about the rest of us?
9to5Mac has uncovered what looks to be an upcoming feature that will do exactly that.
The feature could be called "CarKey" and is found in the beta build...