Tag: Google
Archos Honeycomb tablets set for Sept. 20 launch
Could this be the start of the big price war we alluded to last week?
Lenovo tests Android tablet demand at $199 – price war looms
End of 2011 will be remembered for its massive tablet price war.
Google targets Amazon Kindle with new iriver e-Reader
It's an interesting move. Here we have Amazon reportedly building a tablet that will run Android. Meanwhile Google is making a big move into the e-Reader space, which will potentially cut into Amazon's sales. Can you say co-opetition?
Google Voice Search: It works
Us Android users will feel right at home with the new capability.
Google Chrome OS is here
If you love the cloud, and find yourself spending time doing things such as email, social networking, and listening to music, then it could be ideal.
Google upgrades Honeycomb, enters movie rental business
The biggest news so far is Google's entry into the movie rental business that will put the company into competition with Netflix, Amazon and Apple iTunes most notably.
Sony enters tablet wars with two Android-powered devices
Will Sony's move into the market be a success, and possibly take away share from the Apple iPad?
Hands-on: Amazon Appstore for Android (Verdict: Winning!)
The Amazon Appstore is not going to change the world, but it's the best alternative to Google's stock Android store that we've yet seen.
Google closes Honeycomb to developers – signals shift in strategy?
My suspicion relates to the underwhelming Motorola Xoom.
Android leads with 29% smartphone OS market share according to new report
No matter how you slice it, Google has done a remarkable job with Android. In only three years they have entered the smartphone market, established a new brand and quickly positioned themselves as a major force alongside Apple and RIM.