Tag: San Francisco
Lions on the Prowl: ‘Bengal Tiger in the Baghdad Zoo’ at San Francisco Playhouse
Falling between someone’s vision of Eurotrash crossed with lounge lizard, Koch one of the highest energy performers on the stage, strutting the stage and offering a peek into a fascinating world of Saddam’s palace with gold toilet seats and gold-plated weapons.
Have I ever got an Izakaya for Kou!
South Korean-born chef-owner Nick Yoon refined his culinary skills over the last 15 years with stints at the Ritz Carlton and the W Hotel.
Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra: Pergolesi in Naples
A deliciously punky Cleopatra, Sampson was clearly in her element, with a confidence and panache that could wow any Marc Antony.
Adrift: A love letter to the fog of the San Francisco Bay Area (Video)
Immediately I wanted to know how. How did he do it? How did he manage to capture such vivid imagery... and, of course, what camera did he use?
Review: Emanuel Ax with the SF Symphony
Whereas the heart of pianists like Andreas Schiff (who'll be at the SFS on October 6th and 13th) lies in the smallest of perfect gestures, Ax is appreciated best as a pianist in motion, master of the grand gesture.
San Francisco: New play revisits early years of Bill Gates
The "fictional retelling" will focus on or about the time when Gates (played by Jeremy Kahn) was twenty years old. When, most we're not taking the famous inventor seriously.
When an oil man and a writer start a winery (Tasting Xurus cult Cabs in Silicon Valley)
"You're Stark! Stark Insider! Let me tell you my Philippe Starck story!"
Theater Review: ‘1776’ certain-lee worth seeing
Reaching the Declaration of Independence, we're reminded, was not a magical process, granted by divine intervention.
The Golden Dragon serves it up fast
This combination of new works, eminently reasonable ticket prices, and an experimental spirit give new life to the theatre experience.
Dakota Fanning coming to San Francisco
With her new film 'Effie Gray', one-time child star Dakota Fanning is out to once again prove that she has what it takes to command the big screen.