Tag: San Francisco

Santa Yoda

12-Foot tall Santa Yoda to be constructed out of LEGO bricks in San Francisco

There are only 12 certified LEGO Master Builders in the country that design/create special displays for LEGO stores, parks and events around the world.
Annapurna at Magic Theatre, San Francisco

Review: ‘Annapurna’ at Magic Theatre, San Francisco

All I could think was: Holy crap. Holy crap! Holy...crrrrrap!! Rod Gnapp is most assuredly, along with James Carpenter, one of the Bay Area's greatest, working stage actors.
San Francisco Symphony Youth Orchestra

Nothing Youthful About It: SFSYO rocks Davies Symphony Hall

As performed by the SFSYO, this first movement is pure gold, especially the end that fakes you out – much like a contemporary vocalist – only to deliver the most majestic of crescendos at the end
LtoR, Lisa-Marie Newton (Constance), Teressa Byrne (Kay), Skye Violet Wilson (Gilda Grant), Amie Shapiro (Molly), Erica Kimble (Billie).

Theater Review: ‘Oh, Kay!’ – Prohibition was anything but sober

...perhaps the most apt, figurative description one can give this delightful production would be that it makes one feel as if one has been invited to a fantastical, wonderfully entertaining cocktail party.
Trevor Allen, Working for the Mouse

Review: Disneyland unplugged in ‘Working for the Mouse’

"Parents, if you love your children, do not take them backstage at Disneyland." - A wise man.
San Francisco Symphony Youth Orchestra

Hot Ticket: San Francisco Symphony Youth Orchestra

With performances that include everything from the second Viennese School to Peter and the Wolf, the range of programming is astounding.
Vivica Genaux

PBO & Vivica Genaux: Arias for Farinelli

Geneaux is particularly known for her coloratura, as she throws off these vocal trills, singing vibrato while performing a vocal tremolo, while proceeding vigorously apace with the main melody – as if it were nothing. Watching her pull off this stunt has to be seen to be believed.
Teatro ZinZanni On the Air

Backstage: Teatro ZinZanni opening night

Look for dancing, a 6'2" Austrian Amazon, a behind-the-scenes peak at wardrobe, and deep Argento red, red, red everywhere.
Magic Theater is located at the Fort Mason center in San Francisco

Magic Theatre awarded $300,000 grant from Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

For 44 years, Magic has contributed to the inventiveness and relevance of the national canon while passionately ensuring the future vibrancy of the American theatre.
Cirque du Soleil: Raising the Grand Chapiteau in San Francisco

In Photos: Cirque du Soleil raises Grand Chapiteau at AT&T Park

In these photos and video watch as an amazing team of 60-plus men and women hoist more than 100 steel poles from the ground up!