Tag: San Francisco
The San Francisco Mime Troupe’s Iconic Theatre: ‘2012 – the Musical’
No humorless left wing hacks, the SFMT laughs at themselves, with characters like “Working Class Man,” and ups the ante by confronting the two-dimensionality of their subject material with a commedia dell'arte approach.
5 Questions: Thomas Robert Simpson, AfroSolo Arts Festival
AfroSolo began as the result of a birthday party I held for myself in 1994.
Theater review: ‘American Buffalo’ – Outstanding production ensures no danger of extinction of classic play
Once again, Actors Theatre of San Francisco has chosen to tackle one of the best and most difficult plays written in contemporary American English.
Review: Puppet up with ‘Stuffed and Unstrung’
Short of an opening bit, and two vintage recreations of Jim Henson’s work from the mid 1950’s and early ‘60’s, the entire show involves a dialogue between master-of-ceremonies Patrick Bristow and the audience as he solicits suggestions for short bits that the six puppeteers then perform.
Things To Do: Sailing on the San Francisco Bay
One of the best features of the Bay Area are the beautiful, and often under-appreciated, San Francisco Bay and Monterey Bay waters.
Chefs of the Bay Area unite for cause
One hundred percent of the proceeds will benefit Meals On Wheels of San Francisco.
Bay Area artist Moky Huynh to present show at Palace of Fine Arts Theatre
Moky’s life has certainly been full of experiences: not long ago, he returned from an unforgettable experience in Vietnam that made manifest how far he has already made a name for himself.
San Francisco groups among 12 awarded grants for Arab American programming
In its 15th year, the 10-day Arab Film Festival features 50 to 60 films in San Francisco, Berkeley, San Jose and Los Angeles.
SF Chefs Grand Tasting: Top 5 Picks (Photos)
I sampled every dish of the evening and here are my top five picks among the very best San Francisco has to offer.