Tag: San Francisco

The finale of Das Rheingold. Photo by Terrence McCarthy.

San Francisco Opera Guild announces ‘Revelry on the Rhine’ gala

All proceeds support the award-winning education and community outreach programs of San Francisco Opera Guild that reach more than 50,000 young people in 200 schools throughout Northern California every year.
Bay Brass

A joyful sound with Bay Brass

These guys (a gender-neutral term) are the best of the best, and when they're having fun with their music it shows.
Toast of the Town San Francisco 2011

San Francisco: City Hall to host this year’s ‘Toast of the Town’

Over 500 wines will be poured from wineries such as Bennett Lane Winery, Clos Pegase, DeLoach Vineyards, Etude, Hess Collection, Raymond Vineyards, Rubicon Estate, and Sterling Vineyards.
NCCO - Melody Moore

New Century’s back in town

Being largely unfamiliar with these lieder, I appreciated Moore’s performance of two different settings for the same poem (An den Mond) because it pointed the way to how Schubert’s handling of the material matured over time.
SFGH is the Heart of the City

San Francisco: Heroes & Hearts raises $1.5M for SF General Hospital (Video)

One of the unique artistic aspects of the benefit are the beautiful "Hearts" seen here in this video segment.
Sample archival BAR cover

The Bay Area Reporter, the USA’s oldest, continuously published LGBT newspaper, celebrates 40th anniversary

"Beginning little more than a 'bar rag,' the B.A.R. has become the most respected and longest, continuously published LGBT newspaper in America."

Review: Ragnar Bohlin conducts ‘Bach’s B minor Mass’ at San Francisco Symphony

Each passage totally exhausts the possibility of what can be done with this material, leaving the audience amazed and stunned at what can be done with this simple six-word passage set as a texturally dense, five-part fugue.
Teatro ZinZanni Caliente - San Francisco

Teatro ZinZanni San Francisco: ‘Caliente’ heats up the Spiegeltent

The three hour show included all that we love about ZinZanni - a great 5 course meal, crowd involvement in riotous competitions and performances, spell binding acts, and even the train transformed into a Mexican themed event.
Wirehead - SF Playhouse

Wirehead: Viagra for the Mind

A “wirehead” is a human with an intracranially implanted “z drive.”
Cutting Ball - Lay Grey

Cutting Ball San Francisco: Experimental theatre at its best

Quirkly and self-referential, O’Hare can do more with her cheekbones than many actresses can do with the entire body.