Canon EOS 300 with EOS Cinema

Filmmakers Dilemma: Canon C300 or RED Scarlet

The C300 is viewed by many as the natural, though more expensive, evolution of the famed 5D Mark II.
Cirque du Soleil Totem, San Francisco

Cirque du Soleil: Behind-the-scenes at Totem in San Francisco (video outtakes)

Loni was pleased to report that there was a lot of buff, half-naked men, as seen in this video. I could only find 1 woman, but a sexy one on rollerskates at that!
After a 4 foot dive: That's not happiness to see you.

DSLR: How to remove a bent filter ring

You've just dropped your DSLR camera. The lens filter shattered. The filter ring, now bent, can't be removed. Here's what to do.
Lytro light field camera

Product to Watch: Lytro focus-less camera

New light field technology enables post-composition photo focusing. Is it one of the biggest innovations in the history of photography?
iPhone 4S vs Canon 5D Mark IV

Canon 5D Mark II vs. iPhone 4S video: Yes, but…

The Canon 5D Mark II, on the other hand, is the biz. It's used to make films, television shows. It's a professional grade camera with professional grade features.
Road Runner

Beep! Beep!

Photo of the day.
After Effects CS 5.5: Warp Stabilizer before and after comparison

Stabilizing Shaky Footage: Adobe After Effects Warp Stabilizer (video)

In this case you could call it the "rapper stabilizer."
Zoom H4n

Secondary audio options for DSLR and Canon T2i – Zoom, Tascam, Rode

One thing I know with the Canon T2i (and T3i, 60D...) is that on-board camera audio is a non-starter for all but the most casual of applications. Just don't do it - fine for reference audio for syncing later, but for anything else external audio is a must.
Canon T2i Hot Pixel

Stop the Presses: My Canon T2i has red “hot” pixel defect

Which got me to thinking... kind of like Jerry Maguire: Break down? No, Break Through!
Canon T2i with kit lens

Rack and Stack: Canon Rebel T2i, T3i, EOS 60D

T2i is a trusted friend to Stark Insider as I use it for all our videos now. I cringe when I look back to some of the old shaky Vixia footage.