Filmmakers Dilemma: Canon C300 or RED Scarlet
The C300 is viewed by many as the natural, though more expensive, evolution of the famed 5D Mark II.
Cirque du Soleil: Behind-the-scenes at Totem in San Francisco (video outtakes)
Loni was pleased to report that there was a lot of buff, half-naked men, as seen in this video. I could only find 1 woman, but a sexy one on rollerskates at that!
DSLR: How to remove a bent filter ring
You've just dropped your DSLR camera. The lens filter shattered. The filter ring, now bent, can't be removed. Here's what to do.
Product to Watch: Lytro focus-less camera
New light field technology enables post-composition photo focusing. Is it one of the biggest innovations in the history of photography?
Canon 5D Mark II vs. iPhone 4S video: Yes, but…
The Canon 5D Mark II, on the other hand, is the biz. It's used to make films, television shows. It's a professional grade camera with professional grade features.
Stabilizing Shaky Footage: Adobe After Effects Warp Stabilizer (video)
In this case you could call it the "rapper stabilizer."
Secondary audio options for DSLR and Canon T2i – Zoom, Tascam, Rode
One thing I know with the Canon T2i (and T3i, 60D...) is that on-board camera audio is a non-starter for all but the most casual of applications. Just don't do it - fine for reference audio for syncing later, but for anything else external audio is a must.
Stop the Presses: My Canon T2i has red “hot” pixel defect
Which got me to thinking... kind of like Jerry Maguire: Break down? No, Break Through!
Rack and Stack: Canon Rebel T2i, T3i, EOS 60D
T2i is a trusted friend to Stark Insider as I use it for all our videos now. I cringe when I look back to some of the old shaky Vixia footage.