Google Maps now features indoor walking directions, location-based coupons

In the battle of location based marketing, the couponing service, which will alert users of nearby deals, is clearly aimed at the likes of Groupon and Living Social.

How to Install Flipboard on Android

Here's how to download and install the amazing Flipboard app for Android.

HTC Droid Incredible 4G, an iPhone for Android fans

Many buyers have complained that while large screens are great for surfing and watching movies, they can make it awkward to use the phone with one hand.

LED bulbs the latest bright idea

LEDs can last for up to 100,000 hrs, compared with 1,000 hrs of traditional incandescent bulbs and compact fluorescent lamps' 15,000 hours.

Supermoon’s Offspring: the “Moonbow” (photo)

The light from the moon shines through the mist of Yosemite Falls, creating a rainbow.

New Moon on Monday

Can super processing save the super moon?

Watch: Facebook Retail Roadshow

Ben & Jerry's performed a marketing mix analysis and determined that for every $1 it spends on Facebook, the company receives $3 in return.

Is the Samsung Galaxy S III the best Android smartphone in the world?

Android upgrade power rankings, in order: Samsung Galaxy S III, HTC One X, Motorola Droid Fighter. Even Galaxy Nexus warrants consideration.

Hands-on Amazon Cloud Drive

A 25MB install, the app is an attempt to catch the likes of Dropbox, Microsoft's SkyDrive, and Google's Drive by integrating your computer's file system with the cloud.

Apple to acquire Pinterest?

The business model is ripe for the plucking. Think Groupon circa 2009, before that became an explosive category with over 500 copy-cats worldwide.