The crash of newspaper ad sales (Blame: iPad, eBay, blogs, Google)
Mashable. TechCrunch. Huffington Post. Engadget. All are more relevant, influential today than most local - even some national - newspapers.
Hands-on: Ice Cream Sandwich on Samsung Galaxy S II
The Galaxy S II runs ICS smoothly. In fact, brilliantly well. Actions are fast. In my hands-on testing I experienced no lag, stutter or issues that would want me to return to Gingerbread.
“My God! It’s full of stars!” – Apple iPad 3 vs. Galaxy Tab 10.1 Display
To the competition I have some unfortunate news: drop what you're doing, call up Samsung and figure how in heck you're going to duplicate what Apple has done here with this beautiful display.
Review: Supertooth HD adds handsfree convenience for your iPhone, iPad
Out of the box, the SuperTooth was ready to go with the battery already at a 50% (or "medium" as the nifty voice assistant told me) - a nice touch.
Sony Alpha a57 DSLR: Does it crush the Canon EOS 60D?
The a57 can shoot much faster than my EOS 60D: 10 fps. vs. 5.3 fps. Ouch, that's a big difference. Should I dump the 60D in favor of the a57?
Android Smartphone Power Rankings: March 2012
Here are the top Android smartphones available on Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile.
iPad Case Review: G-Form Extreme Sleeve, for when the going gets tough
You've probably read about G-Form before, and possibly even watched videos of iPads being dropped - Dave Letterman style - from amazing heights (hint: 500 ft. from an airplane).
HTC Rezound, Sensation, EVO to get Ice Cream Sandwich treat
HTC plans to roll-out Android 4.0 to 16 tablets and smartphones including the Rezound, Sensation, EVO and Vivid.
Upgrade or Die: New iPad display is for real
I have a feeling when we all get a look at the new iPad with its Retina display - courtesy of Samsung, no less - there'll be no turning back. Apple triumphs again.