Canon 5D Mark III in the wild? (literally)
From what I've read we should be seeing the new 5D in a matter of months. The big question is price. Nikon recently released their new flagship, the D4. Priced at $6K it competes with the Canon 1D.
On Android Design: “Sometimes you have to break the rules”
Android's UX design chief Matias Duarte weighs in on mobile OS guidelines, competition and the future in an interview on Wired.
Android Quad-Core MWC Preview: LG X3, HTC Edge, Samsung S III
All these heavyweights should receive consideration for those who passed the showcase that was the Galaxy Nexus. Ice Cream Sandwich has a high probability (95%+ I'd guess) of shipping stock with this next wave of Androids.
Could 2012 be the year of real Android battery life?
It's not glamorous. Batteries are functional bits we never really think about until... they unexpectedly run out; typically as we're just about to finish a clever Tweet involving Jeremy Clarkson, Paula Deen, and Anthony Bourdain.
Motorola now taking pre-orders for Xyboard Android tablets
One thing I can really appreciate about the Xyboard is the untainted Honeycomb experience. After Samsung's latest update, us tab users were left with crude cartoonish navigation icons; they look like they're designed for grade schoolers - "this - over here - is a house!"
Android Fragmentation – What, Google Worry?
"Differentiation means that you have a choice and the people who are making the phones, they're going to compete on their view of innovation, and they're going to try and convince you that theirs is better than somebody else."
Quad-core Androids Coming February: HTC Edge, Samsung Galaxy S III
Are quad-core Androids such as the HTC Edge and Samsung Galaxy S III worth waiting for? Or is the Samsung Galaxy Nexus still the smartphone of choice?
Android Upgrade Dilemma: OG Droid to Galaxy Nexus, Droid 4 or RAZR Maxx?
In absence of must-have Android kit out of CES I was again stuck: which smartphone would replace my OG Droid? Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Motorola Droid 4 or Motorola Droid RAZR Maxx?
Android Smartphone Rankings: January 2012
Welcome Sony, so long Ericsson. Android could use some fresh, inspired designs. Known for their superb hardware, Sony is just what the doctor ordered. Ion features a category-leading (for Android) 12MP camera.
Android Dilemma: Samsung Galaxy Nexus or Motorola Droid RAZR Maxx?
I'm starting to believe that Droid RAZR Maxx is the best Android on the market right now - though I lament that it means sacrificing the original's sublime thin design. Can't we have it all?!