Samsung Galaxy Nexus - The unicorn of smartphones.

Today’s Non-News: Samsung Galaxy Nexus delayed, no Dec 9 launch

If Android is trying to differentiate itself from Apple's iOS and the iPhone, this is probably not the ideal approach. Legions of us Android pioneers are coming off 2-year contracts, and would at least appreciate a warm hug.
Verizon Wireless

Does Verizon grandfather unlimited data plans when upgrading 3G to 4G?

"you can keep your unlimited data even if you get a 4g phone" "nope, my wife just upgraded to a Samsung stratosphere and couldn't keep her unlimited plan." Clear as mud.
Motorola Xoom

Motorola Xyboard: That’s it? (5 reasons why it’ll flop… again)

Xyboards are rebadged Xooms. Who's fooling whom? I didn't work the first time, what makes Motorola think it'll work again, especially with the likes of the awesome Asus Transformer Prime?
Days Gone By: Sony T8618 and Ericsson T28

Mobile and Smartphones: Sony, where are you?

That Sony isn't a player in the mobile space is an astonishing reality I thought I'd never live to see. Maybe it has to do with management's preoccupation with building robotic dogs.
Twitter 2011 Year in Review

2011 Twitter Hashtag Year in Review: #Egypt #tigerblood #threewordstoliveby

"We wondered about Charlie Sheen, speculated about the Sony NGP, and raved (or raged) about Rebecca Black. And we tYp3ed LyK tHi5."
Nexus Retail Packaging

Report: Verizon Galaxy Nexus to cost $299 (not the rumored $199)

First, tiered data plans. Now a 50% increase in hardware outlay every two years. It all reinforces our understanding of why the Feds want to nix the AT&T/T-Mobile merger doesn't it?
Dwight Clark - The Catch- Famous photo analyzed

Golden Ratio, Rule of Thirds Tested: The Catch (incredible analysis of famous photo)

Thanks to an interesting analysis of the photo we can now understand why, from a technical perspective, that moment in time resonates so well, and has become one of Sports Illustrated's most endearing photos.

Ice Cream Sandwich on Google Nexus S (ps – where’s Galaxy Nexus?)

For those coming off 2-year old contracts, mostly from the original Motorola Droid (November 2009), it's another hilariously frustrating (yet entertaining) episode in the will the Nexus ever launch mini-series.
SwiftKey X

Android App Deal – get SwiftKey X Keyboard for only 10 cents

I've been on the beta program for this one for a while, and liked it so much, that I bought multiple copies. I routinely use SK X and SK Tablet X on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, Tab 7 (original) and on my trusty Moto Droid (soon to be replaced by Nexus... maybe).
News Republic - Lenovo Tablet

News Republic app to ship with Lenovo tablets

News app from Mobiles Republic to be preloaded on 4 new Lenovo Android models.