LG Nitro HD

AT&T LG Nitro HD – worth the switch from Verizon Galaxy Nexus?

I'm not sure I'd take Rezound, but I'd definitely take a Droid RAZR or Nexus over the Nitro. I'm actually somewhat surprised AT&T didn't snag something more differentiated to woo us Androids coming off 2-year contracts.
Samsung Galaxy Nexus on Verizon

Galaxy Nexus – More photos, launch news (just ship it!)

Frustration levels mounting, many have told us that they've already jumped the gun and purchased either an HTC Rezound or Motorola Droid RAZR. Both respectable, and well reviewed devices. Neither, however, ship with Android 4.0, aka Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS).

Email is Dead. Long live Email!

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg boldy predicted email's demise at the Nielsen Consumer 360 in 2010. Guess what? Oprah lives; so does email.
Jawbone "Up" - the movie was better.

Stark Tech Now: Jawbone Up, GH2 vs. 60D, Asus Transformer Prime, Android spyware

This holiday season expect the Amazon Kindle Fire, the iPad 2, and even some of the more popular, well-priced Android tablets such as the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 to go gang-busters at the (virtual) cash register.
WP7, meet Android.

Emulate Windows Phone 7 on Android, iPhone

WP7 is pleasant enough, but seeing anything referencing "Outlook" immediately induces nausea and psychedelic images of an insanely happy paperclip randomly appearing on a severely underpowered mid-90s Compaq laptop.
Nexus iPhone Compared

Samsung Galaxy Nexus Daily: 720p display in-depth, iPhone 4s compared

With Nexus, instead of a big-bang end-of-year announcement we have a possible game-wining touchdown gone awry. It's like the Immaculate Deception, Android edition--let's just fumble our way forward to success must be the thinking.
Sonos U2

Hands-On: Sonos system software 3.6 update

I gave the new Slacker service a spin. It's now included free as part of the 3.6 update. In a word it's great.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Skyrim – RPG evolved or transformed?

With over 5 years of development under its belt, I was expecting a lot from Skyrim. But it all feels so familiar. The graphics, still quite beautiful, don't bring on the wow factor like they once did. Does this game deserve 93 on Metacritic?
Farmers Market - Loreto, Baja California Sur

From the Field: Canon T2i shots from Loreto, Baja

Even with the Canon EOS Rebel T3i and EOS 60D now on the market, the T2i continues to impress--and I whole-heartedly recommend it to those looking to get into DSLR. I took it down to the Baja for a few weeks and shot over 1,000 photos.
Samsung Galaxy Nexus - when will it ship?

Verizon Galaxy Nexus: Latest reviews, release date mystery

But, this time, I say wait for the NEXUS II, coming February 30. Quad core processor. NFC 2.0. 5-inch 4K screen. Confirmed... well, wait a sec, let's wait to see what micdawg has to say about that.