Google Music

Google takes on Apple iTunes

One key advantage that Google is looking to leverage is its new, fast growing social network. Google Plus provides a built-in community that neither Apple nor Amazon enjoys.
Kindle Fire Lady Gaga

Holiday Shoppers Dilemma: Kindle Fire or iPad 2?

Instead of buying one iPad for the household, all of a sudden you can easily buy two Kindles and have budget left over for some content and accessories.
Motorola Droid RAZR

Get a Motorola Droid RAZR for only $111.11

Me? I've short-listed three phones: the aforementioned RAZR, HTC Rezound, and ICS-toting Samsung Galaxy Nexus.
Rode Videomic Pro mounted on a Canon EOS 60D DSLR

Review: Rode Videomic Pro (your DSLR’s new best friend)

A comparison and review of the Rode Videomic and Videmic Pro. If you're a fan of DSLR, and looking to improve sound quality, add these shotgun mics to your short list.
RED Scarlet-X

Red Scarlet-X vs. Canon DSLR – who’d you rather?

Hang on a sec, I thought. I make videos for the web. Also I don't have a DP, a sound guy, craft services or even a storyboard. We do run 'n gun, man; and 1080p (even 720p) is just fine for now.
Macy's Google Plus Page

Corporate users of Google+ Pages complain about lack of admin controls

Some are suggesting that Google has dropped the ball again (see Google Reader refresh, new Gmail interface and problematic iOS Gmail app), rushing Pages to market in order to catch Facebook.
Ouch! RAZR burn.

Motorola Droid RAZR display quality receives mixed reviews

Uh-oh: yet another mention of graininess. But--hold the phones!--PCMag awarded it Editor's Choice (4.5/5). See what I mean about "mixed" opinion?
The New Yorker

Malcom Gladwell on the real genius of Steve Jobs

No stranger to entertaining readers, Gladwell nips and tucks key passages from Walter Isaacson's "Steve Jobs" and assembles his own thoughtful retrospective.
Like my butterfly... and tell your friends!

Companies can increase Facebook engagement with photos, calls for action

In a study of the top 20,000 pages on Facebook, Momentus Media discovered that including "like" in a status update could lead to upwards of 300% improved response.
Stark Insider - All Things West Coast

Stark Insider now on G+

Okay, circles are great; the interface has that chic modernism that Google seems to love (call it their white period). But please don't tell me Google didn't borrow an idea or two from Facebook.