DSLR: How to remove a bent filter ring
You've just dropped your DSLR camera. The lens filter shattered. The filter ring, now bent, can't be removed. Here's what to do.
Turn your iPhone 4S into Hal 9000
You can also make and receive calls using the Iris 900 like a standard speakerphone. Oh, and the Iris 9000's glowing eye flickers along with Siri's voice!
Smackdown: Galaxy Nexus vs. Motorola RAZR
I was going to go RAZR (hey, nostalgia is fun), but for a feature monger like me, ICS on Nexus is hard (impossible) to turn down.
New Venture: Kevin Rose and “Oink”
It's the first project his new venture Milk (7 employees, $1.5 million raised) plans to incubate, and bring to market.
Drop Test: iPhone 4S vs. Samsung Galaxy S II (video)
One innocent drop, and whammo there goes $200-300, well or at least a $100 repair job.So who is tougher: iPhone 4S or Samsung Galaxy S II?
Product to Watch: Lytro focus-less camera
New light field technology enables post-composition photo focusing. Is it one of the biggest innovations in the history of photography?
Apple: Time to panic? No. Worry. Yes.
Was the shortfall from customers who were underwhelmed by Siri and the 4S, and decided to wait another cycle before making a buy?
Google Nexus unveiled – cure for Motorola Droid upgrade envy?
The biggest advantage Google Nexus brings to the table: Android 4.0 - aka "Ice Cream Sandwich".
Motorola Droid RAZR or Google Nexus Prime?
I'm still on the fence then: wait for Google Nexus Prime which is expected to be a flagship model or seriously consider the Moto Razr?
Canon 5D Mark II vs. iPhone 4S video: Yes, but…
The Canon 5D Mark II, on the other hand, is the biz. It's used to make films, television shows. It's a professional grade camera with professional grade features.