After a 4 foot dive: That's not happiness to see you.

DSLR: How to remove a bent filter ring

You've just dropped your DSLR camera. The lens filter shattered. The filter ring, now bent, can't be removed. Here's what to do.
Open the pod.. I mean how's the weather?

Turn your iPhone 4S into Hal 9000

You can also make and receive calls using the Iris 900 like a standard speakerphone. Oh, and the Iris 9000's glowing eye flickers along with Siri's voice!
Google Samsung Nexus

Smackdown: Galaxy Nexus vs. Motorola RAZR

I was going to go RAZR (hey, nostalgia is fun), but for a feature monger like me, ICS on Nexus is hard (impossible) to turn down.

New Venture: Kevin Rose and “Oink”

It's the first project his new venture Milk (7 employees, $1.5 million raised) plans to incubate, and bring to market.
iPhone 4S drop test

Drop Test: iPhone 4S vs. Samsung Galaxy S II (video)

One innocent drop, and whammo there goes $200-300, well or at least a $100 repair job.So who is tougher: iPhone 4S or Samsung Galaxy S II?
Lytro light field camera

Product to Watch: Lytro focus-less camera

New light field technology enables post-composition photo focusing. Is it one of the biggest innovations in the history of photography?
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue, New York.

Apple: Time to panic? No. Worry. Yes.

Was the shortfall from customers who were underwhelmed by Siri and the 4S, and decided to wait another cycle before making a buy?
Google Nexus

Google Nexus unveiled – cure for Motorola Droid upgrade envy?

The biggest advantage Google Nexus brings to the table: Android 4.0 - aka "Ice Cream Sandwich".
Moto Droid Razr is back!

Motorola Droid RAZR or Google Nexus Prime?

I'm still on the fence then: wait for Google Nexus Prime which is expected to be a flagship model or seriously consider the Moto Razr?
iPhone 4S vs Canon 5D Mark IV

Canon 5D Mark II vs. iPhone 4S video: Yes, but…

The Canon 5D Mark II, on the other hand, is the biz. It's used to make films, television shows. It's a professional grade camera with professional grade features.