Scoring Adobe: HTML5, Creative Cloud, Touch Apps
Cutting loose Flash and embracing open source are wins.
Is the BlackBerry PlayBook getting axed?
It looks like it's easier for the likes of Apple and Google to sell to the enterprise than it is for RIM to sell to the consumer.
On News: Google, RSS, Editorial
I'm still at the mercy of what are ultimately little bots scouring the WWW to surface what mathematicians think is the right stuff.
Prediction: $199 Kindle Fires = this holiday’s Cabbage Patch kids
There's carnage aplenty in the iPad's wake including RIM (BlackBerry PlayBook), and HP (WebOS). But Amazon (with Google's help) could be a force.
Wall Street Journal app on Facebook – scary proposition for publishers?
The Company wants us to live and breathe inside its increasingly suffocating world. Shop. Talk. Watch. Read. Listen.
Evri CEO Will Hunsinger on iPad news apps, CNN’s acquisition of Zite, fly rods (interview)
We discuss the new app and its competitors, the market at large, and the potential for new business models in publishing.
Evri for iPad – A colorful, slick news app (review)
Evri is yet another compelling entry in a space that is booming. Don't forget, earlier CNN bought Zite for $25 million.
News360 for Android, iPad (review)
Topic-based news browsing for tablets potentially reduces tunnel vision.
Why Facebook can’t move as fast as Google Plus
Zuckerberg needs to walk a fine line. He needs to innovate. But his customers throw very public tizzies when an avatar is shifted, or an icon given a slightly altered hue.