Zinio bridges paper-to-digital gap for magazines (review)

The easiest way to think of Zinio, number three on the list of top-grossing iPad apps, is as a digital newstand (with 4,500+ magazines).

Flipboard for iPad changes the game (review)

"Flipboard Pages" renders custom-branded content for publishers such as ABC News, All Things Digital, SF Gate and Bon Appetit.
Yahoo Headquarters

After Bartz: Search for the next Chief Yahoo (interview)

"She went down in flames!" - What type of leader does Yahoo need now that Carol Bartz is out?

Gamification: Time flies when you’re having fun

Things move so fast that there is little time to savor the process, the moment of anticipation before reaching an ultimate destination.
Pulse on the Galaxy Tab 10.1

News App Round-Up Pt. 2: Pulse for iPad, Android (review)

Pulse is the biz. Pure and simple, it gets the job done on Android and iPad. This is not your father's RSS.
Netflix spins off DVD business, calls it Qwikster

Netflix: Dumping a (cute) dinosaur?

Netflix and Hastings know you can only optimize a mail room so much. It's a logistics business. And we know those are best with scale.
Zite for iPad

News App Round-Up: Zite for iPad (review)

Get with the gesture program, or get out, mon ami. These apps warrant your attention.

App of the Day: Wine Spectator for iPad (review)

Hands-on the new the glossy travel directory. Should it be on your next Napa itin?

Can RIM be saved?

Fortunately, there are bright spots for the stumbling Waterloo titan. One of them is Capitol Hill, and the other is the Enterprise. Both are RIM strong suits.
Archos G9 with stand

Archos Honeycomb tablets set for Sept. 20 launch

Could this be the start of the big price war we alluded to last week?