Is the “post-PC” era over already? (Q1 tablet sales down 28%)
Discretionary spend is an important thought here as well. Does anyone really - I mean, really - need a tablet? Of course not. Ultimately, It's a luxury good.
Zoom H2n Handy Recorder coming September
The H2n will be available September 2011 for $199.
Review: AViiQ Smart Case for iPad 2
With this one you may also have to get used to people saying to you, "I've never heard of the AViiQ tablet before! Oh, and it runs Apple apps too!"
Why I hope Google Plus succeeds
Remember the World Wide Web era when Internet Explorer was the only game in town? It was a grey web. Bleak, boring, bland. Then along came Mozilla, Firefox, Chrome, Safari...
Google targets Amazon Kindle with new iriver e-Reader
It's an interesting move. Here we have Amazon reportedly building a tablet that will run Android. Meanwhile Google is making a big move into the e-Reader space, which will potentially cut into Amazon's sales. Can you say co-opetition?
In Tech: i7 Adobe Premiere Pro computer build (aka the anti-Final Cut Pro X decision)
At this point I was fully expecting to be plunking down a few thousand for an i7 iMac. Instead I'll be speccing out a DIY Intel i7 build that will run Adobe CS5.5 on Windows 7.
Review: HyperShield back cover for iPad 2
I'll leave it up to you if you're an aluminum showboat or a scratch avoider.
Google Voice Search: It works
Us Android users will feel right at home with the new capability.
Did Apple screw up with Final Cut Pro X?
Oddly, despite the modernĀ aestheticĀ of Final Cut's new interface, I still very much appreciate timelines and the classic editing look of Premiere. I don't think we need to design this for babysitters, folks.
Final Cut Pro X – Worth the switch from Adobe Premiere Pro?
One thing that stands out so far with FCPX is the speed. It loads fast. Works fast. It's just fast, fast, fast.