Secondary audio options for DSLR and Canon T2i – Zoom, Tascam, Rode
One thing I know with the Canon T2i (and T3i, 60D...) is that on-board camera audio is a non-starter for all but the most casual of applications. Just don't do it - fine for reference audio for syncing later, but for anything else external audio is a must.
Early word on the BlackBerry PlayBook: Defeat is an option
New York Times' David Pogue had one of the best lines: "RIM has just shipped a BlackBerry product that cannot do e-mail. It must be skating season in hell."
Interview: Exploring human immortality, artificial intelligence in San Francisco
Kurzweil "believes that we're approaching a moment when computers will become intelligent, and not just intelligent but more intelligent than humans."
Final Cut Pro X increases temptation to switch from Adobe Premiere Pro
Some of the new features I've been reading about give me pause: advanced people and shot detection, automatic audio cleanup, automatic color matching between clips (nice!), a "magnetic" timeline (for sync), background rendering, among many other technical whiz-bang goodies.
Social Media: Have we reached a saturation point?
Perhaps the most revealing finding is that the interest in social networking search appears to be plateauing.
Adobe Premiere Pro CS 5.5 is here – worth the upgrade?
When I need to wait for anything - waiting for clips to render, importing raw footage into a project, chilling a Chardonnay - it drives me up the proverbial Facebook wall.
Dolby Digital Plus – Even Batman would be blown away (Podcast interview)
I popped a VHS cassette of Batman into the VCR and cranked it. "I'm Batman!"
Motorola Xoom tablet reportedly a flop – here’s the real issue
The great "Honeycomb" or Android 3.0 turns out to be great for the geek-set, but not for mainstream America.
Report suggests the PC is iPad’s biggest casualty – but why?
This is only the beginning. The tablet as we know it today -- a simple, thin slab with a 10-inch display -- is about to morph and evolve into several variants to meet all sorts of consumer and professional niches.
Larry Page back in charge at Google
Is it any coincidence that the fastest growing, next-gen companies are led by younger leaders?