Amazon Cloud Player

Testing Amazon Cloud Drive – Will you store your music in the cloud?

If your house burns down while listening to Burn The Floor at least you know your music is safe!
Cloud Girlfriend

Now your girlfriend lives in the cloud too

"The best way to get a girlfriend is to already have one."
Test Drive - preview Android apps before buying.

Hands-on: Amazon Appstore for Android (Verdict: Winning!)

The Amazon Appstore is not going to change the world, but it's the best alternative to Google's stock Android store that we've yet seen.
Canon T2i Hot Pixel

Stop the Presses: My Canon T2i has red “hot” pixel defect

Which got me to thinking... kind of like Jerry Maguire: Break down? No, Break Through!
Nostalgia: Motorola Xoom - 15 minutes of fame at CES in January.

Google closes Honeycomb to developers – signals shift in strategy?

My suspicion relates to the underwhelming Motorola Xoom.
Canon T2i with kit lens

Rack and Stack: Canon Rebel T2i, T3i, EOS 60D

T2i is a trusted friend to Stark Insider as I use it for all our videos now. I cringe when I look back to some of the old shaky Vixia footage.
Tablet Wars

The Day the iPad Killer Died: Blame the media for non-existent, over-hyped “Tablet Wars”

Tom Bradley may have summed up the sentiment best. It was as true when he penned the headline for PCWorld back in April 2010 as it is today: iPad Killer? We Can't Even Get an iPad Challenger.
The Dark Knight on Facebook

Facebook and ‘The Dark Knight’ set to battle Netflix

But does the movie rental business fit well with social networking?

Bluetooth cooking thermometer? Yes, there’s an app for that [iGrill]

Okay, so maybe this one is overkill, but then again isn't that what makes apps in general so great. That they stretch our minds and creative energy into areas we never thought existed.
Churchill Club - Silicon Valley Bank

Silicon Valley: CFOs from McAfee, Tesla, NetApp, NVIDIA discuss roles and 2012 outlook

If I were working for the NY Post I might say 3 out of 4 CFOs say the economy will improve in 2012. However, probably best to draw your own conclusions.