Google Android

Android leads with 29% smartphone OS market share according to new report

No matter how you slice it, Google has done a remarkable job with Android. In only three years they have entered the smartphone market, established a new brand and quickly positioned themselves as a major force alongside Apple and RIM.
Motorola Xoom on Verizon

Motorola Xoom (Verizon) now shipping – Will it impact the iPad 2?

iPad 2 is the pinnacle of design. Jobs calls it the "Intersection of Technology and Liberal Arts." Kool-aid? Probably. But for now I'm guessing it's the drink of choice.
The tasting room at Ehler's Estate Napa Valley

What’s Happening: Ehler’s Wine, Berkeley Ruined, Cinequest, CFO Roundtable (Plus: Call for writers)

"A very quiet and tasteful way to be famous is to have a famous relative. Then you can not only be nothing, you can do nothing too."
Elder Scrolls Skyrim

Why the Elder Scrolls video game matters

Then I realized that yes I had seen it before. Virtually, at least. I told Loni: this is Oblivion! Of course her reaction was priceless, like I needed reaffirmation of my: (a) overly active imagination; (b) Dungeons & Dragons (Advanced!) fueled childhood; (c) fantastical life accomplishment in the institution that is marriage.
Motorola Xoom

Motorola Xoom, Honeycomb impress – but where are the apps?

The Moto Xoom grabbed an astonishing amount of attention at CES earlier this year. So much so that you might've thought Justin Bieber was about to cameo on Glee. Yet, I'm underwhelmed by the lack of apps written specifically for Android tablets such as the Samsung Galaxy Tab.
Scott McNealy

Silicon Valley This Week: Scott McNealy in Conversation with Ed Zander

The event takes place at the Santa Clara Hyatt on Thursday, February 24.

Amazon takes on Netflix with Prime on-demand service

When Amazon is serious about market share, they can be ruthless. Remember, this is the company that was just selling books not that long ago. It's a clever move that leverages Amazon's core strength: volume.
ThinkPad T420

New Lenovo ThinkPads: T-blah, L-blah, W-blah

Aesthetics matter. Technology defines us. Whether we're jogging with an iPod, reading the latest iPad magazine on the couch, or getting exercise by attacking warlords with XBOX Kinect... design matters!
A blueprint sketch, circa 2006, by Jack Dorsey, envisioning an SMS-based social network.

UberMedia – the risk of building a business on Twitter, Facebook

Then there's the connection between UberMedia and Twitter archnemesis, Facebook. Accel Ventures, which is an investor in Facebook, recently funded $17.5 million for UberMedia.
Verizon Rule the AIr

Bay Area iPhone Test: AT&T for VCs, Verizon for downtown San Jose

The Mercury News puts the new Verizon iPhone to the test, comparing it to the "widely pilloried" AT&T equivalent, and comes away with some pretty interesting results.