Report – Bloggers turn to Twitter for promotion
The top 5 blog topics are: personal musings, technology, politics, news and computers.
Top shows and movies now streaming on Netflix
I'm as convinced as ever Los Gatos-based Netflix has a winner here.
State of the Blogosphere – influence of blogs grows
"More people will be getting their news and entertainment from blogs than from traditional media in the next 5 years."
To 4G or not to 4G – T-Mobile has answer
Based on HSPA+ technology, the new networks can scale up to 168 Mbps.
Google settles Buzz suit – commits $8.5M to privacy education and policy
Today sent out an email to all Gmail users that provides details on a settlement reached over privacy suits.
Devices running Google’s new Chrome OS will need to compete on price
When it comes to operating systems, don't count out Google.
gdgt to hold first ever live gadget event in San Francisco
gdgt is a consumer electronics media startup funded by True Ventures, Spark Capital, and Betaworks.
Why Apple should make an iPad Air
I believe only Apple can pull-off this product design. But I'm not convinced they would want to... would it make business sense?
Google Android on top – captures 44% of Q3 smartphone sales
“Much of Android’s quarterly share growth came at the expense of RIM, rather than Apple,” said Ross Rubin
James Cameron on Avatar 2, environment, reaching ocean bottom
Donny Deutsch would be pleased: this particular conversation was all about the "Big Idea."