MacBook Air has feel of an Apple iPad – convergence coming?
Over the long term it doesn't make sense to have separate Mac and iPad lines.
In Photos: James Cameron in conversation with Google CEO @ChurchillClub
Note that watching Cameron & Schmidt in conversation is the opposite of Hannity & Colmes.
James Cameron (Avatar, Titanic) appearing tomorrow in Silicon Valley
"Failure is an option, but fear is not."
Bay Area Stage: RAIN (Beatles), Dracula, James Cameron, West Side Story, Becoming Britney
The top selling Beatles single of all-time is I Want to Hold Your Hand.
Mac App Store: Is the end of the operating system near?
Apps create community. Now we can read comments about an app, review ratings. All in one place.
Do Kindles make bookshelves obsolete?
Just as much as they are heavy and bulky to carry around, nothing proclaims progress than having two books you've finished reading neatly stood up on a bookshelf.
Social Media entrepreneurs to get boost from Kleiner Perkins $250M fund
KPCB will have 10 U.S. partners working on the fund.
First Look: HTC smartphones running Windows Phone 7
The lineup includes: the HTC 7 Pro, HTC 7 Surround, HTC HD7, and HTC 7 Mozart.
Review: Netflix PS3 app a winner
Streaming is here. It works, it's convenient, and it changes the game.
In Tech: Apple iPad at Walmart, New York Times app, Texting on rise, Netflix PS3
Nielson Co. reported that on average teens text 3,339 times per month.