Google: DIY apps
Apple and Google are the new McDonalds. Apps are burgers, satiating a public ever hungrier for little morsels of entertainment and infotainment. Over 80,00 Apps! Over 100,000 Apps!
Summer gadget roundup
The most interesting, travel-ready (but not necessarily kid or sand proof), flat-out-fun gadgets available today.
HP tablet wants to be like iPad, but needs content
Until HP—or anyone else—can provide an all-in-one iTunes alternative, attempts to compete in the Tablet PC market will be marginalized.
MacStark: The switch is on
Steve Jobs was starting to look like a wicked pirate, standing atop a mountain of money and intellectually ostracizing us scatterbrained minions.
If true, Google “Me” is wrong move, wrong time
Facebook has gone gold. It's the safe choice for Moms, Dads, even Grandparents... so, why, would anyone want to sign-up for an alternative me-too service?
Next stop for Apple stock: $375
Apple has traditionally been an underdog. Now they're a giant; entrenched as one of the marquee tech companies of the 21st century.
Toshiba first to announce Android-powered netbook
While Android is designed for smartphones it seems only natural that Google targets the next large market opportunity: mobile computing.
Facebook likes revenue, $800 million of it in ’09
Facebook earned approximately $800 million in'09 according to reports this morning. The six-year old service, with nearly half a billion users across the world, exploded last year, becoming the largest social network in the world. News of the strong financial performance surprised many. Facebook traditionally underplays its financial performance,...
Tablet sales to eclipse Netbooks by 2012, but why?
It's a perfect storm of cultural transformation: social networking, micro-communication, and a societal premium placed on content consumption.
Scoring Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft E3 announcements
It's often surprising how much innovation and R&D funding goes into the video game industry. Each year, the three players—Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft—up the ante in an increasingly bloody death match. Killzone indeed. NPD estimates the annual market for video game hardware and software is in excess of $20B. That...