Google search interface updated, loses five o’clock shadow

Has Google updated its famously iconic search interface? It would seem so, and I admit that this was not necessarily a discovery of my own making; several others have been jubilant in pointing out the minor changes to me almost as if they'd seen Woody Allen drifting in space. Since it's Google then it...

Michael Arrington, founder of TechCrunch, moves to Seattle?

Michael Arrington, who founded TechCrunch in 2005, has announced that he "moved" his primary residence to Seattle last weekend. According to a post first thing this morning (Hi, Seattle) on the popular tech blog, he says he'll split time between his new home there and Silicon Valley. Why the move?...

As the tech world turns: The Steve Jobs flash manifesto

The next biggest reality show might just come out of Silicon Valley. With all of the juicy stories hitting the Web in the last few weeks, it's hard to keep track. With the Jobs flash manifesto published today, has Apple now taken the role of Darth Vader from Microsoft? Then...

Ethics in New Media: Gizmodo iPhone flap raises serious concerns

It's quite possibly the biggest story in tech this year. And that's unfortunate. Apple's next generation iPhone that was lost in a Redwood City bar by an engineer is a mistake (granted, major) that could have ended quietly. But instead, because a tech blog allegedly purchased it for $5,000,...
Astonishing image of the Sun taken by SDO. Credit: NASA/Goddard/SDO AIA Team.

Say hello to the Sun, now in astonishing SDO resolution

Nasa has released some stunning new images of the sun taken with its newly launched SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory) capture technology. Prepare for some jaw-dropping photos—with resolution 10x better than high definition television. Forget about a yellow happy face, it's as if the Sun has undergone a sexy Photoshop...

Apple iPad initial impressions, I’m kinda cool

Yes, while I realize everyone and their dog (and possibly their cat, their mouse and their chicken) have written about the iPad. The reviews are bountiful, and available in every nook and cranny across the Web-o-sphere. Yet I finally had the chance to test one out earlier this week,...

Verizon launches HTC Incredible on April 29: New king of Android?

Verizon has officially taken the wraps of its plans to release the new feature-packed HTC Incredible smartphone. Available April 29th for $199 with a two year contract, it runs Android 2.1,  the latest version of Google's increasingly mobile operating system. Like the Google Nexus One (also manufactured by HTC) the...

Canon T2i photos, testing lenses using FD-EOS adapter

(Update: I've added photos of the lenses in a gallery below.) Our love affair at SSC with the new Canon T2i is still going strong. If you notice a different look to some of the new videos, and more photos, more gloss, then you can thank it for that extra...

HootSuite goes social

HootSuite is a company on the move, and and their latest update adds some interesting collaboration capability to an already strong product. I've been tracking them closely for the past 6 months or so, and based on their rapid product release cycles and continual innovation I'd say they've got a...

Google Docs updated, takes another shot at Microsoft Office

Google today announced an updated version of it's increasingly popular online productivity suite called Docs. The new features include the ability collaborate with 50 people on a single document (or spreadsheet, presentation), faster performance and more accurate import of existing Office files. The enhancements come just months before Microsoft Office...