No more 230 MPG, EPA to release new formula for electric cars
It was too good to be true. And too absurd not to evoke chuckles. The claims were intoxicating. 230 MPG for the Chevrolet Volt. 367 MPG for the Nissan Leaf. Step right up, place your order, and wave goodbye to Mid-East oil.
But wait, not so fast.
Finally the EPA is...
CNN iPhone app hits Apple store today, Wolf Blitzer would approve
The Apple iPhone app store is a mind-boggling success (witness all the copycats, including RIM, Palm and Google).
The numbers are staggering: 2 billion downloads and 85,000 applications. Obviously choice is not a worry. Navigating the categories, and finding the best apps to use is a different matter. Part of...
Google leads again as Internet video growth rockets
Two things won't surprise most people out of today's comScore Internet video usage numbers for August. Google again tops the charts with their family of video properties, namely YouTube, with about 40% market share. The next closest competitor? Microsoft, at 2.2%. That's domination. Or is it a monopoly?
For those...
Moblin is here
At least it's here in beta form. Moblin is a slimmed down operating system designed for Netbooks. It has a nice glossy, Web 2.0 look to it. Dig deeper though and you'll discover a few things.
First, it's actually based on Linux—the OS most likely to live in a garage...
Microsoft grabs .5% search market share in August thanks to Bing
According to comScore, Microsoft is making inroads against Google in the ever lucrative search market. In August, Microsoft's share grew half a percentage point to 9.3% of the total market.
Even better, Nielson reported that Bing search volume grew over 20% in August meaning, perhaps, that more users are turning...
Microsoft starts free trials of Office Web Apps, belated response to Google Docs
Google has ruled the roost when it comes to free web-based productivity applications. But it was just a matter of time before Microsoft too would join the game. And it looks like that day is near.
Free trials of Office Web Apps have begun as part of a technical preview...
Buying a Netbook? 2 reasons to wait…
You might just want to hold on to that Best Buy gift card a few weeks longer if you're in the market for a netbook (or regular laptop too).
Windows 7, which promises to be everything Vista should have been (and the early reports are very positive), launches October 22nd.
TechCrunch50 winner RedBeacon: A Google for local services?
The news just came in, via Twitter of course: the TechCrunch50 2009 winner, from a field of 50 start-ups, is RedBeacon. Who? Well, chances are you haven't heard of them, or just about any TechCrunch50 participant for that matter. And that's the whole point. These are potentially the (really...
TechCrunch50: Interesting start-ups at San Francisco conference
TechCrunch has rapidly established itself as the go-to Blog related to technology, start-ups, venture capital and Silicon Valley. Unlike testosterone-fueled sites like Engadget and Gizmodo—entertaining enough in their own right—founder Michael Arrington's TechCrunch is more concerned with the business side of tech. Although not so much that they can't...
Bing, now with Bam!
With Bing, Microsoft continues to go all out in a middling and perhaps doomed effort to to slow Google. The latest feature added to the new, heavily hyped (but awfully familiar, ahem...Microsoft Live interface anyone?) search engine is "visual search." Yes, what's old is new again, at least when...