San Francisco Chronicle goes wrinkle-free with new “high-definition” format
Here's a European twist on the standard newspaper trend piece. Usually we hear about things like Kindle when talking about next generation newspaper delivery.
Starting today, however, the San Francisco Chronicle is delivering a glossy—or "high-definition"—look to the newspaper. No tech gadgets required.
Following in the footsteps of several overseas big-city...
Solar Update: June 2009, solar stats and PG&E’s SmartAC program
Well folks, we are definitely in full swing with the summer season.
The weather in the Bay Area has been scorching these past couple of days. I am reminded by those that I have spent time in other parts of the country that at least we should all be grateful...
Google Voice: One number to rule them all
Hey Google, where's my invite?! Yet again, following in the footsteps of Apple and Nintendo's get-in-line marketing jujitsu, Google's new Voice service is available "by invite only".
We've seen this movie before, with Gmail. And it works well. Like a roped-off club entrance with snaking lines, people tend to gravitate...
Bionic knee: My story
Guest post by Jane Lurie.
SSC is a great place to keep up with all of the cutting edge developments in technology. I love expanding my tech horizons as I read all the entries.
I have been experiencing the miracle of a technological development in medicine and I am continually amazed...
Gateway enters netbook market with first 11.6-inch display
With today's announcement of a new $399 netbook, now even Gateway, famous for their cow spotted shipping boxes and low prices, has entered this white hot market segment.
As I've written before, I still believe netbooks will become the new notebooks. They continue to get bigger displays — from 8.9" to...
Silicon Valley started here, in a garage, 71 years ago
A garage anywhere else usually means car restoration projects, power tools or piles of old boxes and long-forgotten knick-nacks covered in dust and moth balls.
But here in Silicon Valley, it often means start-ups.
There are many garage stories. Most recently Google famously used garage space in Palo Alto to tinker...
Twitter and revolution, natural partners in Iranian up-rising
It's hard not to be amazed what is happening in Iran, on multiple counts.
One is the up-rising of the youth that has quickly spread and now has the country on the brink of revolution. The spectre of another dictatorship, suppressing the people, ignoring the will of the voters and,...
Join the Stark Insider fan page on Facebook
Have you heard about this incredible new web site called Facebook that lets you stay in touch with your friends?
It may be small and anonymous now, but I think it's going places. And so do we at Stark Insider.
Announcing the Stark Insider fan page on Facebook. Check it out,...
BlackBerry Tour, aptly named, to be available on Sprint and Verizon
To say the SmartPhone market is white-hot would be an understatement. Profit margins may be a different matter, however, as the number of models increase, and prices decrease. For tech lovers, this is the golden age of mobility.
RIM, with its new BlackBerry Tour, is the latest to make some...
Twitter growth slows, Facebook juggernaut steams ahead
In 2008, Twitter grew 780%. This year doesn't look as promising. A report today from, one of the new Web measurement services ...