What is everyone twittering about?

If there is one thing that eclipses the discussion around American Idol and Dancing with the Stars, it is perhaps the latest tipping point of mass media adoption of Twitter. It seems that every time I turn around, Twitter is being featured on CNN (@cnnbrk), on web news outlets and...

BlackBerry Storm: Where does your money go?

Mike gave us his first impressions of the BlackBerry Storm last November. Like any cell phone these days, the price a consumer will pay for it all depends the market conditions and whether they are willing to commit to a service plan for an extended period of time. In the...

Nicholas Negroponte speaks about the One Laptop Per Child initiative

To achieve this mission, OLPC decided to innovate and create a laptop called the XO-1 which could be used by children in even the poorest and remote villages.

Vimeo vs. YouTube vs. Facebook vs. Viddler vs. SmugMug: Who reigns supreme in online HD video hosting?

I uploaded several test videos... but that was just the tip of the video sharing iceberg. I had so many questions. Who would come out on top and what would I learn?

BlackBerry joins in the micro-application game with new App World store

The early reviews are mixed. But at least BlackBerry (or RIM), with the release of their new App World store, are in the game. Is it just me, or did that take too long? Once again Apple has taken the early lead. And from what I can tell we're talking big...

Comparing espresso pod systems from Nespresso and Illy

I recently received a brochure in the mail from Illy, slick as always, promoting their new espresso capsule system, crazily called iperEspresso. I'm not even sure how to say that. It piqued my interest as I know and enjoy Nespresso capsule espresso. So I wondered how this new system...

Yahoo! Briefcase bites the dust, what’s next?

I received an email recently from Yahoo!, which told me that they were discontinuing the Yahoo! Briefcase service and that I should remove any files I wanted or abdicate access by Tuesday, March 30, 2009. Admittedly, it's been a while since I used briefcase, but now faced with the sense...

Synopsys Science Fair in San Jose: Doh! Outsmarted by adults, Loni and now kids too

Did you know that most dogs have a "paw preference", and use their right paw more than their left? Or that among natural sugar, Splenda and Sweet 'n Low, the latter is the least likely to promote tooth decay? I learned all this and a whole lot more when I took...

West Coast home prices, are we hitting bottom soon?

The latest issue of Money Magazine asks a question most U.S. homeowners are wondering, "When will home prices hit bottom already?" (April 2009, pg. 65). Whether it's for sheer interest, refinancing a loan or a desire to buy or sell, the question piqued my interest while flipping through the...

comScore search rankings: Google still holds 3-to-1 lead

The February search rankings report from comScore reveal Google's stranglehold on all things search is still commanding. According to the report, about 60% of all Internet searches go through Google or one of its many properties such as YouTube. Its closest competitor, Yahoo, takes in just over 20%. Microsoft, despite...