In Review: V-Moda Earphones Give Bose Some Heavy Competition

I'm in DC this week in meetings with my government team. I was able to catch a direct flight on United from SJC to IAD which is always nice. Last time, I had a stop over in Dallas and was caught in a thunderstorm fiasco. Because of the long continuous...
DIY Home Theater Tips - Big screen and projector

Home Theater: The Big Picture Without the Big Price

For those of you following in my footsteps, in search of Maslow's ultimate peak, I offer these thoughts on the latest in home theater ups and downs.

ACORD 2007

Attended ACORD Loma Insurance Forum 2007 in Orlando. Had a great time. Ron Dudley, VP of Forms at ACORD invited us to talk about the Adobe eForms+ POC. You can follow this link to view the results of that. We also won an ACORD award with Ohio Casualty Group...

Review: RIM BlackBerry 8700 Smartphone

RIM continues to pump out great products. The latest is the BlackBerry 8700, a nice evolution of design that includes a full-size keyboard in a slim, compact package. My previous BB was the 7100 which was more phone, less email; relying on "suretype" and a limited keyboard with...

2006: Google Netscaped, DVDs Die, Nicole Kidman’s Eye and Robots Fly

Google (GOOG) will be Netscaped. It may take a few years. But flanked by Microsoft and Yahoo on one side and just about every scorned VC on the other, where's the sustainability? (OK, maybe it's envy). NASDAQ at year end = 2,512.16. Downloadable movies (not just TV shows...